1.What can the Liposuction procedures do for me?
Liposuction can significantly reshape body contours where excess fat deposits create areas that are disproportionately large in an otherwise balanced figure. VASER allows for more thorough removal of fat and better sculpturing. There are also reports of excellent skin tightening after fat removal, which allows for better re-draping of the skin.
2.Who are the ideal candidates for Liposuction ?
For liposuction, adults of any age within thirty percent of their ideal weight, and with firm elastic skin and good muscle tone are ideal candidates.
3.What will Liposuction the result and outlook be?
Since our body does not form new fat cells after puberty, once the fat cells are removed they are gone forever.
4.Are the changes significant?
Yes, the fat cells are permanently removed. As long as you maintain your weight with a good diet and exercise your results will maintain and improve further.
5.What to expect after the Liposuction surgery?
Initial healing will include swelling, numbness, soreness, bruising and discomfort. A combination of Paracetamol and Ibuprofen can take care of most of the discomfort.
6.What is the post operative care?
You will be asked to wear a tight compression garment continuously for approximately six weeks. This helps the skin to adhere to underlying structures and the skin to retract. Temporary drains to remove excess fluid may be removed in two days. Dressings will be removed a few days after surgery. Once the wounds have healed you will be encouraged to have the suctioned area massaged. This helps to reduce the post operative swelling quickly.
7.What is the duration of VASER procedure?
The duration of VASER liposuction could take slightly longer than Standard SAL as some time is first spent in VASERING the fat. However, this extra time spent is compensated by quicker aspiration of fat. As more and more fat comes out easily, more time is spent sculpting.
8.Are these Liposuction procedures painful?
Liposuction is not a painful procedure. VASER too leaves you numb after surgery. However, once swelling/ edema sets in, there is discomfort on movement. . Usually, oral painkillers are adequate to control this discomfort. It rapidly subsides in a week or two.