Can you benefit from Gynecomastia Surgery?
It is possible to remove the gland and excess skin leaving an almost normal looking chest. The scars are not visible if only liposuction is used. In other techniques, the scar is barely visible. This procedure is likely to give a boost of confidence to your personality.
Who are the ideal candidates for Gynecomastia?
Any physically fit male who has significant breasts large enough to embarrass him is a candidate for surgical correction. Male breasts could be mild, moderate or severe. Mild breasts usually have a glandular structure under the skin, made up of fat and fibrous tissue. There is usually no excess of skin. In moderate breasts, along with the gland, there is some excess of skin, which can contract after the gland is removed. In severe gynaecomastia, the excess skin may have to be removed as well.
The traditional technique of removing Gynaecomastia was through a cut under the breast or nipple. This technique has a higher risk of complications such as scarring, inversion of nipple, tethering and saucerization. Hence we use the more modern scarless technique using liposuction. Through a tiny keyhole we suck the fat and majority of the glandular part of the breast from under the nipple.
The Gynecomastia Procedure
If the breasts are fatty, it is possible to get rid of the breast gland by liposuction alone. Power assisted Liposuction or Ultrasonic liposuction is preferred as male breasts are more fibrous. This way, apart from a few access ports of less than half a centimeter in size, no other marks are left. It is possible to remove all the fat and leave an even chest. The excess skin contracts in the next six weeks. If the breasts are more fibrous and nodular or if a small nodule is left behind after liposuction, then through a small infra-areolar incision the residual nodule is removed. The kind of anesthesia required usually for the procedure would be local anesthesia with conscious sedation for improved comfort, yet it is possible to do it under General anesthetic as well.
What to expect after Gynecomastia surgery?
There might be bruising and swelling after surgery that should subside in 3-6 weeks. You will have a soft and comfortable dressing around the chest for firm support. You will also have a tube draining accumulated fluids from each side, if excision is done. The dressing and tubes will be removed simultaneously once the drainage stops. Wounds normally heal in less than two weeks. Your plastic surgeon at Aesthetics and the assisting staff will fully attend to your comfort and safety. You will be advised to wear a compression garment for six weeks after surgery. This will allow all the empty spaces to collapse, allow the skin to contact and retract. The skin will also stick to the chest wall muscles.
What is the progress and healing period?
Incisions usually heal in 7 to 10 days. Stitches are removed around this time. You will be able to return to work and light normal activity in a week’s time. You will need to massage your chest with a moisturizer. Healing will continue for several weeks. The compression garment would have to be worn for six weeks. You can start light aerobic lower body exercises in two weeks. Proper weight training can be started in six weeks.
What are the Gynecomastia surgery results and outlook?
Your final result will be visible almost instantly; however, the swelling and bruising will still make the skin look puffy. Most of the swelling resolves by three months.
What are the Gynecomastia surgery risks and complications?
Although there are very few risks associated with this procedure, a possible general risk includes bleeding and collection of blood under the skin (hematoma). Bleeding is rare but may have to be stopped. Any surgery carries risks associated with anesthesia. There are very few risks if the procedure is done under local anesthesia. These risks will be fully discussed with you prior to your consent for surgery. General risks like delayed wound healing and infections are common to many other operations and can be treated satisfactorily. Specific risks, which are likely to happen after open or excision technique are saucer deformity, inversion or retraction of nipple.